We are Christians called to minister through our creative gifts to foster worship which makes disciples of Christ.
We value worship arts that lead to spirituality and faith formation, and relationships that lead to hospitality, fellowship, and nurture.
The Worship Arts Ministry Teams here at Hollywood Hills United Methodist Church are made up of committed volunteers that practice each week to help bring the worship experience to excellence as we praise God, and lead the congregation in song, word, spiritual uplifting and represent the body of Christ to all those who seek Him
Our ministry teams include:
Chancel Choir – This choir is the group that sing and lead the Traditional Service at 11am on Sundays. They rehearse on Thursday nights at 6:30pm, with Mark Henschel as their director and Organist. All are welcome, no matter what level of singer or musician you might be. Please contact Mark at the church if you are interested in this area of ministry.
Praise and Worship Band – This group consists of musicians and singers that assist in leading the Praise and Worship service at 9;30am on Sunday mornings. They practice on Saturday mornings at 10:30 am. We are always looking for singers, and musicians that can play guitar, bass, drums, keyboard. If you would like to know more about this group please contact Christie DeMinico at the church.
The Wesley Ringers – This group is presently a 2 octave bell choir, wishing to expand, and invites anyone interested in this area to join. Some rhythm reading is required, and a commitment to weekly rehearsals is a must. This group meets on Wednesdays at 7pm and for the most part shares their talents from September to June.
Dance – This is a ministry team that currently consists of girls from elementary school to high school. They are currently not rehearsing on a weekly schedule but coordinate rehearsals and work on special presentations during the church year. This group is expanding to include sign language to some of the music offered on Sundays. If you would like more information on this ministry area, please contact Christie DeMinico at the church.
Drama – We are always looking for those volunteers that would like to participate in skits, dramatic readings, mime, monologues, and other venues of interpretative dramatic art that are performed throughout the year. If you are interested in joining this ministry, please contact Christie DeMinico at the church.
Altar Guild – This ministry prepares communion, and cares for the altar area. If you would like to help in this area, please contact Sue Lautenschlaeger at the church.
Media – This ministry builds and runs the media for both worship services on Sunday mornings.. We use MediaShout, and have the capability of building from outside the church. Training is available, and some computer knowledge is needed. Looking for videos, and specific background pictures to tie together the sermon, or theme is also part of what this team provides. If you can help in this area of ministry, please contact Christie DeMinico at the church.
Ushers – Our usher ministry is a team of committed volunteers who welcome and assist visitors, participate with seating service attenders in our sanctuary, distribute the service bulletin and other weekly handouts, collect the offering and assist with communion. Additional ushers are always needed, and training is available. For more information, please contact the church and ask for Dave Cangialosi.
Thank you for visiting our Worship Arts page. We look forward to seeing you in Church!
-Christie DeMinico Worship Arts Director