It is a group of people who are interested in improving the hospitality of the church and making everyone feel welcome!

Making everyone feel welcome!
What does the Hospitality Team do?
At this time we co-ordinate the Sunday morning snacks that are provided each week in the Great Hall. There is an on-line sign-up sheet at and we welcome those that would like to share a baked good. The team is also responsible for recruiting, training and scheduling greeters for the Sunday morning services. If you are interested in being a greeter, we would love to have you! We also provide the first time visitor packets which our ushers distribute. Our team is in the process of upgrading the contents to provide information on all of the ministries here at Hollywood Hills United Methodist Church.
The Hospitality Team is undergoing some training and in the future we hope to become a Certified Welcoming Church.
Who Are the People on the Hospitality Team
Laurie Curfman, Jacki Haack, Krista Birri,Marcia Morton, Diane Remington, Kristina Altavilla, Libby Giostra, Sally Buske