St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon and Cake Auction
It’s time once again to put on your green and come help support the
Youth St. Patrick’s Day Lunch Fundraiser
and Cake Auction.
Sunday, March 8th – 12:00 pm.
Corn beef, cabbage, potatoes, bread and a beverage.
*Pre-Sale Tickets $10.00 each for adults , $5.00 for children, 10 and under.
We will also hold our Cake Auction on this day.
Come prepared to bid and win the delicious cake of your choice.
Proceeds from this event will help youth attend the
Mission Trip and or Summer Camp.
*Presale ends, Sunday, March 1st, after this date adult tickets are $12 ea, children 10 and under $7 ea. Buy early and save!